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雷霆加速版ins网- 烧饼哥加速器

雷霆加速版ins网- 烧饼哥加速器
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November’s chapter meeting will be held on Saturday, November 9 in Madison, WI.
Beginning October 1st, any unpublished writer living within MWA’s Midwest Chapter region is eligible to submit the first 25 pages of their novel to the annual Hugh Holton Award Competition.

Sunday, April 28 in the Chicago area.
The MWA Midwest Critique Program, created in 2010 by the MWA Midwest chapter, was established to help aspiring mystery writers develop and improve a manuscript related to crime fiction.

Sunday, May 5 at the Hilltop branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library.

We’re almost ready to turn the page to our brand new website!